
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

cOrat_cOret hari sukan smk usj 23...


g0 hijau.....

menang juge akhirnye


ain kepenatan

larian 200m lelaki

larian 800m perempuan

larian 800m perempuan

larian 4x100m perempuan

larian 4x100m lelaki


yang sempurnakan ku....

SMK USJ23 spOrt dAy!!

best gyler smlm...byk yg t'jd...
aq nk ucapkn taniah kat kecik...walo pon dye pnat tp dye still buat
larian 800m uh....(nom3)...
ney keputusan keseluruhan:1=rumah biru
:2=rumah kuning
:3=rumah hijau
:4=rumah merah....
x taw laa nk cite ape lagi....
k urh bubye...
kalo ad cite 9ty aq cite...
1 lagi s0rry bb x g kat dak2 Q.M....

Thursday, July 22, 2010

There's N0 moRe L0ve!!

hate love..
love make me hurt,broken and fell like a useless pers0n!!
WHY!! i love u...
h0w could u d0 this t0 me...h0nestly n0w i hate u...
but i still have a felling t0o u(n0t to muCh laa)
OMG!! give me a strength...
but it's okay...if 0ne day u want me back to u...
i will(i think so)...and i've t0 think twice...
u make me suffer...urgh..
don't want to care....
truthly in my heart just only u....

Friday, July 2, 2010


like what i think all this day...
my father would be angry just because my result...
i really dissp0inted with my self...i d0n't kn0w...
why my result could be s0 bad!!damn 0kay...
i kn0w how my father feel coz' i can feel it too...
0ne more thing is ab0ut my teacher say to my father...
about my attitude laa....
i kn0w that i'm n0t like...other girl....
i'm a such hot temper,rude(not too much laa)annoying
whatever laa...but i've a reas0n why i can be like that...